Tuesday, November 23, 2010

No news

Just in case you were wondering, we haven't gotten any travel news. I didn't forget to tell EVERYONE I know, we just don't know anything. And, this waiting game is for the birds, I tell ya. Every time my phone buzzes from 11am-2pm my stomach jumps a little before I can look to see if it's THE email. Nope, just another ad from Amazon. Boo.

On Monday, we got an email from our agency...not THE email. Today, we got an email from our agency...not THE email. Don't they know that this gives me a small heart attack only to be completely let down when I see the subject line?

Can you tell I am ready for the wait to be over? Guess what? It's not, not even close. Or, is it? I suppose we could find out tomorrow that we leave 12/8. The last possible day that we could get that news would be 11/30...yep, that leaves 8 days to purchase tickets, arrange everything with work, kids, my parents (who are watching the kids) and pack, but I'd gladly do it with one day of notice, trust me. Of course, we may not be leaving until 12/22 (or January or February, really--no guarantees), so we could be waiting a whole lot longer.

Lord, let me get THE email soon and be able to bring my baby girl home soon. I don't know how much more of this I can stomach.

1 comment:

SaraLyons said...

Im hoping and praying for you that it will be soon. Fingers crossed!