Sunday, October 10, 2010

Today and Next week

Well, we leave in 12 days and since it's Sunday I get to say that we leave NEXT week. That's awesome! I decided to skip a post with 13 days left to go--you know, like they skip the 13th floor in most hotels. Didn't want to jinx things with unlucky number 13. Not really. I'm totally kidding, I was born on the 13th and love that number--I am not superstitious at all, just figured people were getting sick of my countdown posts, but then someone requested that I keep posting daily so here you have it.

Today was a great day, too. Not only is it beautiful outside, but it was Pastor Appreciation day at our church. Since I'm a staff pastor, I was part of that. There were hugs, words of affirmation, cards with wonderful things written inside and a gift. Being a pastor is a 24/7 and often thankless job. My experience as one of four staff pastors has actually been pretty great. I'm grateful for what my job has taught me and how God has used me over the past 3 years at North Ridge. We have a great church and it is such an honor to be part of the leadership there. I wouldn't trade my experiences at our church for anything. Today was a great reminder of that!

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