Friday, September 03, 2010

First day of school!

Breakfast of champions! Normally, we take our boys out to eat for their first day of school. This year, with Chris working nights and Gavin having to be at school 1/2 an hour earlier and the boys having different start days, we decided to give Gavin the choice--out to eat or donuts at home. He chose donuts. We were happy and enjoyed them together.

We had previously decided to send Gavin for a 3rd year of preschool at our church--even though he's 5, we felt waiting another year for kindergarten was a good idea. At the last minute, we changed our minds and put him in 4K at the private school he will attend for kindergarten. He is loving it!

He has his own locker and, despite the look on his face, he loves it. He figured out that he fits inside of it on open house night...

Reily starts preschool (for the first time) on Tuesday. He is so very ready.

1 comment:

Tara K said...

What a big boy! He'll do great in school!