Thursday, December 09, 2010

Wild Ride

Adoption truly is a wild ride. We are so close and yet so far away. This is one ride I would like to get off of very soon. My nerves are fried. My brain is tired. My heart has ached. We are scheduled to leave in 13 days, but it ain't over 'til the fat lady sings, folks. Changes to this process are constantly taking place and more changes have recently been announced. I don't know that it will affect us, but I don't know that it won't either (boy, there's some bad grammar in this note!). I won't believe she's ours until I get on that plane with her, hopefully three weeks from today.

Please pray with us that everything goes smoothly from here on out. Please pray that we get to leave in 13 days to bring her home and that she actually comes home with us. I just don't know how much more I can take and while I don't want to focus on the negative, it is always nagging at the back of my mind. So much has already gone wrong and we've already experienced so many delays. I'm just ready to be done and to get on with my life--as a mother to three beautiful kiddos.

That's all...

1 comment:

Kim Johnston said...

Don't let the hard times get you down. Sometimes God's plans just don't make that much sense to us! But you're following his plan!!! Kayla will come home in perfect time.

This time of year- think about poor Mary. Pregnant with a Savior, getting to Bethlehem... and thinking, "Really God, a barn and a manger?!" but it was all part of a perfect plan.

I'll say prayers for your family!!