Tuesday, June 15, 2010


We have a great little consignment store in town and they always give people the choice to take back their clothes that the store doesn't buy or to just donate them. I have already purchased nearly every decent item that they had on clearance for kids 5-10, so I decided to ask what they do with the items that people don't want back. They just donate them--no tax deduction or anything like that. So, I asked if I could have the stuff. They told me I'd have to sort it since they don't have the time to do that, but I don't care. Free clothes for Ethiopia is worth a little sorting! I wonder if we'll have enough suitcase space for all the donations we'll accumulate before we go. Maybe it's a good thing we have to go twice...maybe.

On that note, we've now received information that possibly only one of us will have to go the first time. I don't know what we'll decide to do, but it's definitely a tough call. On the one had, we'd save a lot of money and the boys would get to stay with one parent. On the other hand, going alone could be very tough and coming home alone--after meeting my baby girl and having to leave her--could be even tougher. Anyone just dying to go to Ethiopia with me for a few days? Tickets are a mere $2600, or so. :)


Aimee and Preston said...

If I had the money Bets...

And if only one of you needs to go I vote Chris, you may not come home :)

Meehan Family said...

Well, I'd come home eventually, it just might be a few months.