Monday, June 21, 2010

3 kids?

There are definitely some things I'm going to miss once we have 3 kids...

-each parent only having one kid at a time (I figure the opportunity for this will decrease A LOT)
-"date nights" with my boys (Chris is working most nights--I am NOT taking all 3 out by myself)
-being evenly matched--1 parent for each kid
-having enough hands to grab all children
-having enough room for other people in our vehicle
-having all self-sufficient kids (they can dress, feed and go potty themselves--she will not)

I am sure there are more, but this is what I thought of tonight as I was out on a "date" with my sweet Reily. I will just have to make the most of the time I have with only 2 kids.

Of course, there will be many things that I am going to love about having 3 kids, too...

-I'll have my girl (yes, I am excited to have a girl!)
-I like odd numbers (just a warning, if we get a #4, we won't be stopping there, 5 sounds better)
-the middle row in the van won't be empty anymore
-the hole in my heart should finally be filled after 10+ years of dreaming of this moment
-I'll have 3 children that will all get along perfectly and play well together (positive thinking)
-everyone will just expect my life to be out of control and won't ask why I'm frazzled

Of course, all of this only matters IF WE EVER GET HER HOME!!!!!!!

Still no news on the adoption front to report and I am getting a little tired of saying that. We do, however, have a phone interview for an adoption grant tonight. So, if you think of us, say a little prayer about that. I don't know when we'll receive a decision, but even being considered is encouraging.

I so wish I could post her picture here so that you could all see her. She is beautiful! If you could see her sweet face, you would understand why I long for her.

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