Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Ugh...we recently discovered that one of our toilets was leaking into the basement. So, we're in the middle of having that issue resolved. I hope to have the toilet back up and running this afternoon (well, I hope the guy we hired has it back up and running!). Here's what the lovely bathroom looks like now...the hole goes all the way into my basement office, of course. Lovely.

And in better toilet news, Kayla really does use the potty--as long as I'm willing to put her on it. After nap yesterday I decided to just put her on once an hour and she peed in there 3 times and stayed dry until bedtime. I sort of think it's crazy, but someone else did all the initial work, so I'd be an idiot not to take advantage of that. I will at least put her on it regularly enough that she doesn't forget what to do on the potty. Maybe (BIG maybe) we'll be done with diapers inside of 2011. Wouldn't that be great? Oh, but then what do I do with all these cloth diapers...? Definitely a problem I'll be happy to solve!

1 comment:

Joanna said...

This picture is adorable! Maeve HATES to sit on her little potty for more than about 5 seconds. Maybe I should get the little potty seat to put on our regular toilet.