Sunday, March 27, 2011

Oh, Reily...

Reily is a child that marches to the beat of his own drum and no one else can hear that drum or even begin to imagine what it might sound like. He keeps us all on our toes because if something isn't just right, he reacts and it's not always lovely. The older he gets, the more he's settling down though and I love that. Now he is problem solving without throwing a tantrum or demanding us to jump into action.

Today, he ran out of the socks that he likes best. We have at least 20 other pairs, but they weren't the type he likes. A couple of months ago, this would have led to an UGLY scene. Instead, I caught Reily running into our room with two napkins. I informed Chris that he'd better check into that because it's odd behavior and who knows what Reily could be up to. Chris came back to report that Reily had a perfectly logical explanation for the napkins. He was going to turn them into socks since he was out of the type that he liked. And, he did. He went to church with napkins wrapped around his feet inside of his shoes. This boy makes me smile!

Yep, they're held in place by stickers. I'll bet that felt great all through church!

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