Sunday, March 27, 2011

My boys

When Chris and I were going to Ethiopia to meet Kayla I took some video clips of the boys singing to her so that she could see them in action. Reily accidentally fell down in one of the clips--his feet just slipped right out from under him. At the time, we made it a funny thing so he didn't get upset. Now, they think it's hilarious to replay that scene.

This clip was recorded this morning and I love it for a few reasons. I love their goofiness. I also love that Reily is about 10 seconds behind in picking a song and that he is completely oblivious to the fact that Gavin has already started a completely different song--you can watch his face and just see his mind working. I'm not sure why Gavin just sings the word "twinkle" over and over, but I suppose he was concentrating more on his awesome upcoming "fall" with eager anticipation than on song lyrics. These kids crack me up.

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