Thursday, August 26, 2010


That was fast! Thank you to everyone who has been praying for our little girl. God has already answered our prayers in a big way. There is a mom currently in Ethiopia picking up her child and thanks to the wonders of the internet, she knew that we were concerned and was able to check in on Kayla for us. She was also able to speak with the head nurse about some of our concerns and this nurse is no longer concerned about Kayla and stated that she is making progress in some of the areas where she had previously regressed. I guess a lot can change in 23 days (that's how old the report was). So, a big PRAISE GOD for peace of mind. Panic has left the building--at least for now!

We did find out she has some hair on her head. Good news since I've been buying hair bows like crazy and all her pictures make her look completely bald. I cannot wait to see her myself, but for now it's nice to know that other moms can see her for me. We know of someone going about every other week from now until the time we get to go. Hopefully we'll be able to get a few good little reports from them.

Keep the prayers coming. They're definitely working! 57 days until we leave.


Meg said...

awesome awesome awesome!!!!

Sha Zam- said...

PHEW UUUU~ PRAISES! This is wonderful relief!

Salzwedel Family said...

Just catching up on your journey! So glad you were able to get an update. Any information (especially when it's good), is such a relief.