Thursday, May 05, 2011

Ethiopian head spinning (Kayla style)

Okay, first you have to watch this video of this Ethiopian woman doing a traditional Ethiopian dance that involves an insane amount of head movement.

Then, you need to watch these strung together clips of my baby girl. This is how she always dances. I have seen many babies dance, but none like this. I don't know why she does this, but it's adorable and a little baby version of the other clip (at least in my opinion).

She also does the shoulder shrugging dance (if you've ever seen that Ethiopian one), but apparently the beat of this song wasn't hitting her that way. We'll have to capture that one some other day.


Lori Stark said...

haha! So cute! Well, apparently you're going to have to let her hair grow long! ;-)

SaraLyons said...

Wow, I see some dance classes in her future! So cute!!