Reily's whole birthday was spent celebrating. He had a great, and messy, breakfast of peanut butter toast where he got to wear his hat at the table. Within 30 seconds he had it covered in peanut butter. Oh well, you only turn 2 once.

For lunch, we took the birthday boy to "Donald's", nearly his favorite place on earth thanks to Grammy and Papa. Before he could get in the car, he had to drive himself there. He didn't get too far.

"More, daddy, more!"

Dinner was a toddler friendly meal, which neither of my toddlers touched, but the adults all ate plenty.

Opening presents...Gavin did really well handing them to Reily and not tearing into them himself. Reily was enthralled with each gift he opened, so much so that he refused to open a new gift until we removed the old one from his hands. Next year, we're thinking about just getting him one gift (yeah, right).

Papa had to help a bit to peak Reily's interest. He's a goofy one (Reily that is, though Papa is too, sometimes).

Reily loved his raincoat and the "hammer" (hanger) that it came with.

Grammy got some bricks for Reily that had to be assembled. All the adults took their share and put them together. Then, towers were built and happily knocked over.

The big gift from mommy and daddy was a train table which, of course, we had to set up for play before we presented it. Can you say: spoiled kids?

Car cakes racing around the track.

My favorite moment of the evening was Gavin spontaneously belting out the "Happy Birthday" song to Reily. It was quite cute and definitely caught on video camera. Wish I knew how to share that here...

The cake was delicious!